About Us

Top Veg Ltd specialises and takes pride in procuring the freshest vegetables and fruits for you. The company has a strong and reliable supply which means we can get a variety of produce to you. Though there are lot of competitors in the fresh produce trade, we assure you of the best quality and price.

Having years of expertise and experience in Fresh Product trade have ventured into catering to your needs to provide you the best of the fresh produce from overseas and local market.

Healthy Fruits & Vegetables for a better Tomorrow.

When you eat clean and lean dishes loaded with fresh fruits and veggies, you'll wake up feeling happy and full of energy. We Import from various counties like, India, Egypt, Pakistan, Europe to meet your requirements.

  • Fruits & Vegetables

    Building a Better Tomorrow.

Fruit and veg: For a longer life

The study, by Imperial College London, calculated such eating habits could prevent 7.8 million premature deaths each year.
The team also identified specific fruit and veg that reduced the risk of cancer and heart disease.
The analysis showed even small amounts had a health boon, but more is even better.

  • Fruits & Vegetables

    for Healthy Life

Healthy Diet! Healthy Life

The conclusions were made by pooling data on 95 separate studies, involving two million people's eating habits. (source : BBC)

    Lower risks of cancer were linked to eating:
  • green veg (eg spinach)
  • yellow veg (eg peppers)
  • cruciferous vegetables (eg cauliflower).

  • Healthy Food

    Healthy Start!

Our Specialities

Contact Us

Our Contacts :

:   07721409388 / 02073154140

:   info@topveg.co.uk

:   topvegwholesale@gmail.com

:   London, UK.